About the founder

DLightful Services - Dora Derado, about me

Hi! My name’s Dora Derado Giljanović. I’m an ardent lover of art and everything creative. I also love order and being organized. I use this to help others realize their creative and intellectual visions.

Allow me to briefly introduce myself.

I’m originally a painter by trade. I went on to get a master’s in art history and English language and literature.

I decided to go down this route because I simply love art – literary and visual. This allowed me to complement my practical artistic experience with theoretical knowledge. When it comes to English, which is my mother tongue, I was able to add to my skillset all the necessary grammatical rules, good translation practices, and theoretical literary knowledge that I keep building on to this day.

I have since obtained my PhD in art history and am continuing my journey of supporting all that is creative in this world.

About DLightful Services

How did I start translating?

I started translating, on a voluntary basis, while I was still in high school.

Growing up in England and as a bookworm, I read everything I could get my hands on – from novels to encyclopedias and, later, scholarly literature.

This set some solid foundations for my later college experience studying English language and literature, during which I sharpened my translating skills and literary knowledge.

I came to realize that translating relaxed me, that I enjoyed it, and could easily lose track of time while I was immersed in a translation project, especially if the text in question was creative or something that I’d like to read anyway since it was close to my field of expertise (especially art and art history).

Until I established DLightful Services, I continued translating various texts on a voluntary and honorary basis. These were mainly exhibition texts, texts from the Humanities and Social Sciences and novels – with the occasional consecutive (oral) translation.

How did I get into graphic design?

My interest in graphic design grew out of my primary vocation – that of a painter – which I earned by graduating from the School of Fine Arts in Split, Croatia.

At the same time as I was developing my painterly skills, I also started learning the basic principles of graphic design and actively using graphic design software.

While honing these skills during college as an art history student, I built upon my practical experience with theoretical knowledge from the history of design and visual communication.

During my work as a Research Assistant at the Art History Department of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Split, I took part in courses that taught about, among other things, visual communication.

This whole time, I continued to implement my knowledge through volunteer work as a graphic designer, and, later, through DLightful Services, designing business cards, catalogs, posters, books, as well as logos and other graphics.

How did I start curating exhibitions?

My curatorial practice began during my days as an art history student.

At the time, I curated the exhibitions of my colleagues from the Academy of Fine Arts, simultaneously helping to translate exhibition texts.

After I graduated, I continued to organize solo and group exhibitions, be it as an independent curator or as a member of the Curatorial Team of the Croatian Association of Artists in Split (HULU Split), of which I became a member in 2016.

If you happen to need my knowledge and experience in any of these areas